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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Roof replacement

And...here we go!  The back left corner is as good a place as any to get started.
Underneath it all was this beautiful ship lap wood.
We found some of this wood in the attic after we moved in. We didn't know where it came from, but we loved it so much that we made doors from it.
A door for the pantry's utility sink.
A door for the first custom dresser that Tim built.
Two doors for the other hand made custom dresser that Tim made.

Back to the roof....Now that's some cool looking roofing material.
There were about 7 layers  on this roof.
As near as we can tell....Every single layer that has ever been put on this roof since 1924..including the original shake shingles.

Look like this might take a while.
One side almost done.

Brand new decking.
Some paper.
Right after this picture was taken, Tim fell off the roof.
So...as creative as he is....he built a safety system
It worked like a charm.

Now to the front side of the roof.
We'll just rip out that chain link fence and drive the truck right up to the roof line.
Looking good.

Tim says,"Can you finish this for me?"
Looks like there were a few soft spots under all that mess.

What a messy, messy job.

Paper on the front....yeah
Now...how to get those heavy stacks of shingle onto the roof?
Tim will figure something out....and he did.
Isn't this neat.

The final picture is not posted because we still need to stucco those dormers. We're such 90 percenters!!!!


  1. Awe yes! I know all about those 90%-ers! Must run in the family :-) great pictures!

  2. It does..it does indeed.
